The end of the hand, the body and a (hu)man in a window (remix) • b020

Three works, old and less old, remixed together:

“The end of the hand” (1994), a sculpture of a begging hand ending in a tower with a church window.
“The end of the body” (2011) a collage body and “Man In A Window” (2012) a collage stained glass window.

The last two combined and composed of images linked to key words, taken from the globally connected database, the web.

A composite installation that for this exhibition ‘In the footsteps of Bruegel’ evokes images linked to limbs on the web and mixes them into a digital interactive collage.

Remix, or the practice of recombining already existing images and content. This both in the composition of the three works and within two of the works themselves.

A hand-cut sculpture versus programmed digital interactive work connected by the fragmented view through the digital interactive collage body. The old and new techniques, images come together, creating a shift of time feeling.

Name: The end of the hand, the body and a (hu)man in a window (remix) b020
Created date: 1994 - 2012 - ... (ongoing)
Caption: Three works, old and a little less old, remixed together: "The end of the hand" (1994), "The end of the body" (2011) and "(Hu)Man In A Window" (2012).
Kind: Interactive video installation:
software: Max/MSP/Jitter, custom made software
hardware: Mini-computer + Kinect + projector
Keywords: end, hand, body, man, window, remix, web, data, images, Bruegel
Content Creator: human, body, world wide web, data + Max/MSP/Jitter, custom made software
Used dates: In the footsteps of Bruegel and the Seasonal Meter
from 11 January till 15 February 2020 -